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Star Common Name Constellation Full Name Translation/Reference Rolleston Hipparcos Language Identifier
Al Fakkah CrA Al Ikill al Janübiyyah the bright (star) of the southern broken dish

Allen p. 173
Arabic * alf CrA
Alphekka Meridiana CrA Alfecca meridiana the bright (star) of the (southern) broken dish

Allen p. 173
Arabic & Latin * alf CrA
Meridiana CrA Alphekka Meridiana the bright (star) of the southern broken dish

Allen p. 173,, A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. p. 13, StockmanL.H. & Harper David,
Arabic/Latin (Reduan's Commentary) * alf CrA